The Impact of Covid-19 on the Tech Industry

Covid-19 is officially a pandemic! Whether you believe it’s real or not, one thing is certain; you’re also feeling its impact. The effects of the drastic measures being taken to contain it are already rocking both the public and private sectors in a not so stellar way. Despite its negative impact, we can all agree on one thing; this black swan has helped showcase the value of IT and the essence of digital transformation better than any other black swan event in history. Here’s how the coronavirus is impacting and is set to impact the tech sector and what businesses are learning from this pandemic.

The Impact on Tech So Far

Unlike in most sectors, the impact of coronavirus on the tech sector so far can easily be described as a mixed fortune. On the one hand, it has impacted some tech businesses negatively, and on the other hand, it has been somewhat a blessing in disguise.

Hardware tech companies have had the hardest hits so far. For instance, even before the outbreak took center stage, Apple warned its investors it would cut its sales projections due to a slower supply chain. True to it, it’s not only the supply chain of iPhones that has been negatively impacted but the overall smartphone supply chain.

But on the other hand, the pandemic seems to have fuelled a digital shift. Now more than ever, businesses are moving to the cloud and deploying collaborative office tools, video conferencing, online marketing and remote support and services, and online marketing tools to cope with the challenges brought by the pandemic. This has been nothing but beneficial to cloud and software tech companies. The demand for their products and services is now higher than ever.

What Businesses are Learning from the Pandemic

Before the pandemic, a good majority of businesses thought they had what it takes to allow employees to work remotely. However, now that social distancing and quarantine measures are in place, most organizations realize they are not as equipped as they thought.

A good majority of companies are only now realizing that they lack efficient technological infrastructure to facilitate productive remote working conditions. But even those with infrastructure don’t have it all. Their workers lack the training they need to collaborate with their colleagues in these remote situations.

Why the Coronavirus is Likely to Inspire Digital Transformation

Black swan events, for instance, the current pandemic, tend to change the trajectory of history significantly. Take, for example, the SARS epidemic. It was the fuel behind Asian e-commerce giants such as Ali Baba and while the 2008 financial crisis of 2008 spurred the growth of conglomerates like Airbnb.

Now with that said, the current pandemic has the potential to encourage the adoption of digital transformation in business. As noted above, Corona has brought most organizations to the realization that they’re not as equipped as they thought. As a result, most organizations are now rethinking their digital strategies.

What this Means for Your Business

Now is the time for you as a business owner to rethink how your business can evolve. Evolving is the only way to ensure it survives the current as well as future digital transformation wave.

Data Catalog 101

As the digital world continues to take center stage, the amount of data created is nothing but mind-blowing. A survey by DOMO reveals that over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated every day. What’s even more mind-boggling is that this volume is set to increase even more in the next two years.

This rise in data creation is credited to many factors. The main driving force behind these stats is the warm embrace that businesses have been giving to technology. While it’s a good thing, it also presents a challenge to the same entities as they end up being unable to manage organizational data.

The good news is you can eliminate this challenge by embracing data catalogs. A data catalog assists by making data sources easy to discover. This informational post will help you learn more about data catalogs and why having one can significantly benefit you.

What is a Data Catalog?

In simple terms, a data catalog is a tool used to store and show data sets present within an organization and where they’re located. In other words, it’s a metadata management tool tailored to enable businesses to manage and retrieve large amounts of data at the touch of a button.

To help you understand what exactly a data catalog is, consider this instance. When you visit Amazon with the intention of purchasing a pet’s litter box, you’ll come across hundreds if not thousands of pet products in the pet supply section. Fortunately, you can easily find the litter box thanks to Amazon’s refined search capabilities.

Now, a data catalog functions the same way. The only difference is that instead of products, it helps you find data related to your business.

It’ll help you identify the source of a particular data set, its purpose, summary, and even comments. This tool is incredibly life-changing in an organization that generates a lot of data. It has been around for quite a long time, but unlike a few years ago, it’s now more advanced than ever.

Why You Need a Data Catalog

The following are reasons you need a data catalog:

It Streamlines Business Operations

While there’s no denying that IT has revolutionized the world of business, it has also created a barrier as users who lack IT knowledge but need access to essential business data can’t access it.  Data catalogs eliminate this barrier by storing data in a way that’s both machine and human readable.

This means that every staff member, including the non-technical ones, can access and understand critical organizational data. This, in turn, streamlines the operation of your business as every user

Unlike ordinary data storage tools, data catalog information doesn’t need to be discovered, tagged, or interpreted. This means less time spent on trying to understand and interpret data sets.

Simply put, a catalog increases time value, which automatically translates to improved business performance. How? Well, employees will have more time on their hands to focus on their roles instead of trying to understand metadata from an IT standpoint. In other words, a catalog enhances machine-human collaboration, which in turn streamlines your business’s operations.

Reduces Operational Costs

When data becomes understandable to every individual within an organization, it means a reduced payroll. This is because you no longer need a large IT team to help breakdown IT jargon to your non-technical team.

Better Source Verification

No matter how small it might be, your business generates a lot of data on every working day. This data is usually stored for future reference. As time goes by, you tend to forget about it, until the need arises.

Unfortunately, when you finally need to refer to such data, you might not remember its source, or it might even be outdated. This practically puts your business at risk as you’re using info from an unreliable source.

When you use a data catalog for your data inventory, you eliminate this uncertainty. Other than having well-curated information; a good catalog also comes with business lineage features. Through these features, you’re able to keep track of all sources of your business data without trying so hard.


By now, there’s no doubt that this informational post has helped you comprehend the convenience of a data catalog. But let’s break it down anyway. A data catalog makes it possible for you to store all your organization’s data in one place. This gives you a unified view of all your firm’s important information.

Simply put, a catalog becomes a searchable glossary of your entity’s info. On top of that, based on the features of the catalog you go for, it also automates the process of data collection and interpretation. This makes things incredibly convenient as you no longer have to do it manually or hire an IT team to do so.

How to Select the Right Data Catalog

Right now, the data catalog market is booming with all sorts of solutions. Some are highly functional, while others have limited features. You need to be careful while shopping for a catalog. Here are some pointers to help you out:


While all the factors below are of the essence, the price of the catalog in question is even more critical. Why? Well, you might find one that suits your business perfectly, but if it can’t fit your budget, then it’s of no good use to you.

Therefore, first consider how much you’re willing to spend and then shop around based on your spending limits.


While a catalog will help enhance the security of your data, it should do so without risking a breach. Therefore, consider whether the catalog you’ve chosen is compatible with your existing security infrastructure.

Regulatory Compliance

As the digital world takes on different shapes, so does laws and regulations concerning data evolve. Some of the top regulations related to data include GDPR and HIPAA. To avoid trouble with the authorities, ensure the solution you go for is fully compliant with your industry’s data laws.

Other Factors to Consider:

  • Socialization
  • Data Curation
  • Vendor’s plans
  • Integration and interoperability

With these factors in considers, you’ll definitely settle for the best option.

Unlock a World of Convenience through a Data Catalog

A data Catalog will significantly influence the way your business functions. While it’s not a solution for every data problem within your organization, it certainly makes things a tad easier.


Useful Digital Marketing Tips for SaaS Founders and Marketers

The SaaS industry has grown in leaps and bounds over the last decade. Currently, an $85 billion industry, it’s expected to grow even more in future with its estimated market value being $185.8 billion by 2024. On the one hand, this is good news to SaaS founders and marketers as it proves increased demand for SaaS products. On the other hand, however, its bad news as it means more competition from SaaS enthusiasts who also want a piece of the market pie. With the right digital marketing tips; however, it’s possible for a SaaS founder or marketer to not only gain a competitive edge but also cement their place in this rapidly expanding scope of business. If you’re one, here are some top digital marketing tips that you can use to mark your place in this ever-growing industry.

Top Digital Marketing Tips for SaaS Founders and Marketers

Marketing, in general, is hard. It’s, however, harder in SaaS as it involves convincing clients to purchase a product that has no physical presence and one that is highly susceptible to change. But just because it’s hard doesn’t mean you can’t succeed. All you need is the right strategies, and you’ll be good to go. Below are a few to get you started;

  • Sell the Product Before You Code

Most SaaS marketers and founders often make the mistake of creating the whole product and then marketing it. As tempting as it might be, don’t fall for this strategy. Once you validate your product idea, the next step should be selling it.

That said, before coding the product, invest in digital marketing strategies so potential users can know about it. For instance, create a landing page and use to explain how your product will impact anyone who uses it and also get them to sign up.

Depending on the reception you get from the landing page, it’ll be easier to determine how well your finished product will perform. Also, those who sign up will be your first customers.

  • Target the Right Market

When marketing your product, you want customers who’ll use it instead of just reviewing it and then exiting. Therefore don’t just sell it to a wide pool of buyers and hope that one of them will try it, market it to your target market. In other words, direct your marketing efforts to people who need it the most. For instance, if your SaaS product aims at making accounting easy, use marketing methods that’ll attract the attention of individuals in the finance industry. These methods include content marketing, running SEO campaigns and webinars and partnering with influencers.

  • Go Beyond the Sign Up

Once they get a customer to sign up, most SaaS marketers and founders often make the mistake of not following up on the said client. Unfortunately, it’s a costly mistake as the client is less likely to renew their contract once their membership period is over.

Therefore, continue marketing even after the client signs up. You can do this through value creation. For instance, organize forums for your clients to connect and empower each other or send them tips on how to get the most out of your SaaS product. If you have a CRM system, congratulate them when they make a sale and encourage them when they don’t.

Doing this not only helps you retain the said customer but also enhances their satisfaction. As a result, they become more willing to recommend your product to potential clientele which in turn helps you grow your market base.

  • Stay One Step Ahead of Your Competition

Your competitors are a great source of information. Based on their performance, you can know which strategies are the most effective and what you can do to make them even better. For instance, if you’re having a hard time coming up with creative keywords for your content, do a comprehensive competitor research to see their top-ranking keywords. With the results, you can then work on coming up with even better keywords to improve your visibility.

In a Nutshell

Excelling in the SaaS industry is no rocket science. You need to be creative with the existing strategies to gain leverage in this area of technology. Many are doing it, and you too can become one of them.  Check us out for more useful digital marketing tips like the ones above.




Common Reasons behind Martech Failure

Marketing technology, also known as martech is on the upswing. It’s expected to register even more growth in the future with its estimated market value being $122 billion by 2022. This significant growth is attributed to the ever-increasing pace of digitization in the corporate arena. Despite their increased spending on martech, it’s disappointing to know that most businesses are unable to make the most out of these solutions. This is due to several factors shown below

Reasons behind Martech Failure

While the future of martech looks bright, most organizations are unable to make the most out of the solutions they deploy due to factors such as

  • Lack of Skills

Most companies have been proactive in investing in martech. This is good as it proves their willingness to keep up with the ever-changing business landscape. It’s, however, vital to note that for a martech solution to be effective, the company in question needs to do more than invest. It requires an experienced and skilled team of marketers who can use the martech solution to develop a cohesive yet productive marketing strategy.

In other words, technological innovation is only useful when the targeted market does the most to realize its full potential. Unfortunately, most organizations today have accidental marketers. That is, marketers who have little to no formal training. While they are talented in doing their jobs, their skills no longer fit today’s market. They lack the necessary expertise to utilize newer marketing technologies.

According to a survey conducted by Econsultancy, approximately 64% of businesses have already taken the step to invest in martech solutions but lack the necessary skills and expertise to deploy them effectively. Thus, even though the range of marketing technology solutions available today boast revolutionary potential, they make no difference due to the shortage of implementation skills.  .

  • Adoption of Inappropriate Martech solutions

The increasing market value of martech has seen the number of solutions popping up every day skyrocket. On the one hand, this is great as it forces the minds behind these solutions to come up with even more innovative marketing technologies and gives businesses countless options. On the other hand, however, it is one of the main reasons behind martech failure. Thanks to the market saturation through the broad range marketing software, businesses are often unable to make the right choice. Hence end up adopting solutions that aren’t aligned with their objectives and goals.

Carefully Plan Your Strategies Today

Given the above challenges, one would assume that businesses will take a step back first and go slow on martech investments. However, this isn’t the case because as noted earlier, the market value of martech is currently on its all-time high. Why? Well, while a majority of companies today are unable to implement martech appropriately, some have successfully deployed martech and are reaping huge benefits. Your business can be among these success stories if you take the time to carefully plan your approach.


To Tuck or Not to Tuck: Men’s Guide to Wearing a Dress Shirt with Jeans

Image result for To Tuck or Not to Tuck: Men's Guide to Wearing a Dress Shirt with Jeans

About half a century ago, the term fashion was closely associated with women. Fast forward to today’s world; there’s been a paradigm shift as men continue to up their fashion game.  Even though women are still the key players, the field of menswear is gradually growing with the annual sales of men’s clothes projected to increase by 14.2%.

Despite these significant changes and even as the men’s fashion industry takes on different shapes, to tuck or to untuck the dress shirt remains a billion dollar debate. At a glance, it might not seem like that big a deal, but beyond the surface, the dilemma is real.  So what’s the best way to style a dress shirt with jeans? Get men’s fashions tips here and up your summer wardrobe.

What Is A Dress Shirt?

If you’re still in the dark about what dress shirts are, then you’re in good hands. Simply put, a dress shirt is a staple of every man’s wardrobe. It’s what is considered as the go-to formal piece for a man.

In respect to that, dress shirts usually have slightly stiff collars and cuffs. Unlike casual sport shirts, a majority of them come in a plain solid color such as white or blue.

Back in the early 1900s, dress shirts were white. They were often associated with class as a majority of the men who wore them weren’t involved in manual labor. This is when the term “white collar jobs” was coined. Today things have changed, and almost anyone can own and wear a dress shirt. So should you wear yours tuck or untucked? Find out below

Dress Shirt With Jeans: Tucked Or Untucked

Even though it comes down to your personal taste the question of whether to tuck or untuck your dress shirt while donning jeans also depends on the factors shown below

The Hem Of Your Dress Shirt

One of the core factors that should guide you on whether to tuck or untuck your dress shirt is the hem. Usually, men’s shirts come with either a curved or straight hem.

When a dress shirt has a curved hem, it’s usually uneven at the bottom, with the front and rear sections being a little bit elongated. A straight hem, on the other hand, is just as the name suggests, it’s even all around.

Now if your shirt is straight hemmed, then we give you the green light to rock it untucked. This is because round hems have a consistent look from every angle. If it’s curved, on the other hand, it’s advisable that you tuck it in as designers came up with this kind of hem to encourage tucking. But if you really want to untuck that badly and all your shirts have a traditional curved hem, then consider the next factor below.

The Length Of Your Shirt

The length of the shirt is equally as crucial as the hem when it comes to tucking or untucking. If the shirt in question is too long, then it’s advisable that you tuck it in regardless of its hem. Untucking a shirt that’s too long makes you look like a slob as it usually ends up looking like some dress.

Thus, if the shirt is of the correct length, then it’s possible to get away with the untucked look even if it has a curved hem. On that note, what is the right shirt length for untucking?

To put it simply, your dress shirt should only fall halfway down the zipper if you’re planning on untucking. In other words, it should leave room to show off part of your front and back pockets while at the same time covering the belt line. Anything longer than that should be tucked in, and it’s not up for debate.

The Material Of The Dress Shirt

The fabric of the dress shirt in question also dictates on whether to tuck or untuck. Dress shirts made with broadcloth or tabbinet fabrics usually signal formality and hence look better tucked. Shirts made of materials such as denim, on the other hand, have a casual aura and its best to rock them untucked.

The Occasion

While personal taste matters and all the above factors are of the essence, the question of whether to tuck or untuck comes down to the occasion. If you’re on your way to a watch a game or a wild night out with a group of buddies, then an untucked shirt will help you look the part. But if you’re on your way to a job interview, a formal presentation or to meet your other half’s parents, please do tuck!

However, if you must untuck to situations that require formality, ensure you follow the guidelines listed earlier, such as opting for a round hemmed short and well-fitting shirt.

What You’re Pairing It Up With

If you’re planning to layer your dress shirt with a formal blazer or to rock a sweater over it, then it’s advisable you observe the general rule of formality and tuck. This is because the stiff collar of a dress shirt will remain noticeable even with your blazer on, making you look out of place.

On the other hand, if you’ll be layering it with a casual jacket, an untucked shirt of the right length will meet the cut. Other than blazers and sweaters, don’t forget to consider the accessories. For instance, if you’re planning on wearing a tie, you’ll want to tuck in your dress shirt, so you don’t look sloppy. If you have a nice belt that you’d like to show off, tuck that dress shirt too.

So To Tuck Or To Untuck?

Tucking shirts into jeans has been the long-accepted trend with dress shirts. However, with celebrities like David Beckham and Black Panther star, Michael B. Jordan setting the pace, untucking is slowly becoming the go-to trend. So shirt tucked in or out with jeans?

Well, we have no straight answer to that because as noted earlier, it’s a matter of preference. But if you don’t like taking risks, then you’re better off tucking.

If you are on the untuck team here are a few tips to help you remain fashionably cool while at it

  • Get The Right Fit

Kanye West usually ignores this rule and gets away with it. But he’s a celebrity, and they usually get away with almost everything. However, you’re not Kanye West. Hence people won’t hesitate to say you’re sloppy when you step out in a baggy dress shirt.

If you want an untucked dress shirt with jeans to look great, ensure that it fits well on the shoulders and if it’s long sleeved, the sleeves fit well. Also, don’t forget about the rule on the shirt length. In other words, keep the look neat.

  • Pair It Up With A Casual Blazer

Another way to look dapper with an untucked dress shirt is to layer it up with a casual blazer. This goes a long way in giving you a refined casual and formal look which you can rock at any occasion and still look the part.

  • Try The French Tuck

Also known as the half tuck, the French tuck is the new trend in town with celebrities like Ryan Gosling setting the pace. It’s the ideal way to put the tuck and untuck debate to rest as it accommodates both tuckers and non-tuckers. It’s quite simple to achieve this look.

All you need to do is tuck one side of the hem behind your belt and leave the other side hanging.  Another way is to rock the half-tuck look is to tuck in only the front of your shirt and leave the back untucked.

The rule of the thumb with this look is to ensure that the shirt is short. The untucked fabric shouldn’t go beyond half of your zipper. Thus always keep in mind the rule of the shirt length discussed earlier when rocking the French tuck.

The French tuck offers an excellent opportunity for you to show off your expensive belt as it usually remains exposed. However, if you’re generally too conscious about looking formal, then the French tuck might not suit you. This is because the key to rocking it is to look like you accidentally untucked one half of your shirt, but you don’t care.

  • Don’t Be Color And Print Shy

For most men, the main aim of untucking is to attain comfort. This is why most of them untuck as soon as they leave the office. In respect to that, if you love untucking, don’t be shy when it comes to colors and prints. Experiment with them, especially if the occasion in question is casual or related to partying.

Master The Art Of Pairing A Dress Shirt With Jeans Today!

There’s no denying that the dress shirt and jeans outfit is one of the most flattering looks in the men’s wear arena right now. However, pulling it off calls for utmost care as a simple mistake can result in a serious fashion mistake. Read more on how to wear a dress shirt with jeans.



 Effective Ways to Increase Productivity at Your Company

Image result for how to increase productivity among employees

2019 has been a good year for most businesses. This is fortified by a report released by the Bureau of Labor statistics indicating a 2.4% increase in productivity. It’s vital to note that this increase took place within the first quarter of the year.

With that in mind, what are you doing to ensure that your business contributes to this positive trend? Do you want to make your business processes as efficient as possible? Click here to learn simple yet effective ways to increase productivity at your company.

How to Increase Productivity

Improving your company’s productivity is not only about contributing to the stats above. It’s also about keeping up or outdoing the competition and improving profitability. Thus, whether you have four employees or fifty of them, it’s essential you take steps that’ll help you achieve the mentioned.  Here’re a few work productivity tips to get you started.

  1. Set Realistic Goals

Lack of direction is one of the main reasons why businesses fail. Thus, the first step to increasing productivity within your company is setting realistic short and long term goals. Having clear and concise goals creates a sense of direction.

For instance, by setting monthly goals, everyone within the organization becomes aware of what they’re supposed to work towards and achieve before the month ends. It also creates cohesion as employees work harmoniously with each other to meet the target.

Short term goals are especially important because they act as stepping stones towards long term goals. Therefore, set short term goals which edge your company towards the bigger picture.

  1. Automate Things

As noted above, goals help create a sense of direction. However, without the right equipment, it’ll take ages for them to become a reality. In respect to that, try and automate as many processes as you possibly can within your company.

For instance, consider Netsuite implementation to streamline procurement processes and enhance remote access to organizational data. Other than that, ensure that all the equipment used within the company is fully functional and up to date with the current technology.

The right software and equipment enable employees to perform their roles efficiently and also saves on time. Automation also reduces the risk of costly errors.

  1. Improve Working Conditions

Studies show that employees satisfied with their working environment are more likely to produce excellent outcomes. Thus, apart from making things easier through automation, ensure that the working conditions suit every staff member. For instance, make sure that the heating and air conditioning systems are in good shape all year round. In other words, being in a comfy workplace boosts concentration, which automatically means better results, which is what you want.

  1. Limit Interruptions

Something as simple as a message notification is enough to distract you when you’re deeply engrossed in work related task. A one-hour lunch meeting disrupts the entire afternoon routine for employees as it takes them time to direct their focus to work again.

Now, since meetings are unavoidable and it doesn’t make sense to impose a no-phone policy what should you do? Well, set breaks during which employees can use their phones.

Also, spread meetings throughout the week and hold them before or after work. This results in fewer interruptions meaning more time for staff members to focus on work hence increasing productivity.

  1. Offer Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement works hand in hand with all the ways to increase productivity listed above. Thereby, do whatever you can to make employees feel appreciated. For instance, when they do a good job, ensure you congratulate them personally.

Motivate them to achieve even more by providing incentives and rewards. When they fail to meet the set target, give constructive criticism instead of threatening to fire them. These might seem like insignificant actions, but they tend to improve productivity in a significant way.

This is because employees will consider you a leader instead of a boss. Thus, they become comfortable in approaching you with suggestions and ideas that’ll improve business performance.


Small Apartment, No Problem: 8 Apartment Storage Ideas to Maximize Living Space

Image result for Eight Small Apartment Storage Ideas to Make Space

Stressed about having limited space in your apartment? If yes, then you have no reason to as there’re over 39 million people who reside in apartments and are doing fine. These apartment dwellers have found creative ways to maximize the available space, and you too can do it.

So if you’re frustrated by the size of your living space, here are eight nifty apartment storage ideas to help you maximize the space you do have and declutter!

Make the Most out of Your Vertical Spaces

When your apartment space is limited, you need to make the most out of the available, including vertical space.  Start with your kitchen by utilizing a rack to hang pots and frequently used utensils. This leaves you with plenty of space on the kitchen counters to do your cooking. It also makes the kitchen look more organized.

The most effective way to use vertical space in your living room is by shelving. For instance, if you’re an avid reader or a student, create shelves on the wall where you can store your reading materials.

If you have plenty of framed art pieces and décor, use floating shelves as storage. Do this in the bathroom too to store away the towels and bathroom essentials.

Using your vertical space gets a lot of stuff that would have otherwise been clutter out of the way. It’s at the same time aesthetically appealing. For instance, a floating shelf with books is a great décor piece and at the same time helps you keep your space organized.

Float Your Furniture

Image result for Float Your Furniture in the bedroom

Floating your furniture is yet another sneaky hack to create storage space in your small apartment. If you live in a studio apartment, for instance, don’t push your bed against the wall.

Put it a few inches from the wall and use the space left in between to store something your stuff. Floating furniture not only creates storage for small spaces but also creates an optical illusion making the room appear bigger.

Go for Collapsible Furniture

Collapsible furniture is incredibly convenient in small spaces. It allows functionality and  at the same time offers convenience. For instance, if you’d like to have a dining area in your apartment, but lack space, a foldable dining table, and foldaway chairs will come in handy. They’ll give you the functionality of having a dining area during meal times and the convenience of space after you’re done.

If you work from home but have limited space, a fold-down desk allows you to have a workstation during the day and space for something else at night.

Invest in Multipurpose Décor and Furniture

If foldable furniture is out of the question for you consider multipurpose furniture and décor to create storage space. For instance, instead of an ordinary sofa, go for a sofa bed which functions as a chair during the day and folds out during the night to become a bed. You can also opt for a lift top coffee table which transforms into a work desk during work hours and a coffee table when necessary.

Invest in multipurpose décor as well. For instance, a cabinet mirror serves as a mirror and at the same time allows you to store away your precious jewelry behind it.

Don’t Forget Behind the Door Storage

As a person looking for small apartment storage ideas, you should maximize every space available. This includes using behind the door space to store more than shoes. Get an over the door organizer for your bedroom and place items that tend to clutter it up such as hats, socks, innerwear, and beauty products.

Use an over-door organizer in your kitchen to place cleaning supplies.  Using door space means every door possible, including your kitchen cabinets. For instance, install racks on the cabinet doors for spice storage.

Mount That TV

If your space isn’t big enough to hold a console, then mount your TV on the wall. Mounting your TV on the wall not only creates a lot of visual space but is also quite contemporary. You might, however, end up in trouble if your landlord doesn’t tolerate the idea of drilling the wall.

The Space Beneath Your Bed

Image result for how to use under the bed space

While looking for space, don’t forget that there’s a lot of it beneath your bed. This space especially comes in handy if your bedroom is small. Get several fancy baskets, throw in whatever you don’t use frequently and put them under the bed.

If you don’t have a built-in closet, do yourself a favor by getting a bed frame with drawers. Or you can get creative by adding wheels to crates and use them to store your clothes and essential as they’ll be easier to slide out.

Create Hot Zones and Cold Zones

To make the most out of your space, create hot and cold zones. A hot zone simply refers to an area where you’ll store things that you frequently use while a cold zone is the vice versa. An excellent example of a cold zone is a high shelf where you put seasonal items such as clothes that you only wear summer.

A hot zone on the other hand could be on top your fridge where you place stuff that you use regularly. Creating hot and cold zones not only declutters your space but also keeps you in the know of where what is, hence convenient.

Discover Small Apartment Storage Ideas

Saying you have no space in a regular apartment in an era where people are comfortable living in micro-houses is a big offense. From using ladders to stacking old suitcases together to create a vintage nightstand, they’re just so many sneaky apartment storage ideas that you could implement to make your space more livable.


Top Instagram Marketing Tips

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With over 1 billion monthly users and more than 500 million daily users, Instagram is now the second most engaged social platform after Facebook. The photo-sharing app reached the 1 billion mark at the end of 2018.  It is now trailing apps like WhatsApp and Facebook at a close pace.

Simply put, Instagram is now one of the most commonly downloaded apps, and for many companies, an untapped marketing tool.  So if you are yet to set camp here, it’s high time you do as you are missing out on an excellent marketing opportunity. Read on the tips below to get started on the right foot

  1. Have A Well Optimized Instagram Bio

First impressions matter!  That said, your bio is the first thing potential clients see when they come across your Instagram account. Hence ensure they are captivated from the word go.

Ccreate a bio that explains what your brand is all about and why prospects should care. Keep in mind; you only have 150 characters to do so. Hence have a clear, concise, and compelling bio.

While at it, don’t forget to incorporate a memorable profile photo, and a link connecting clients to your website. The link is particularly important as it’s where clients will go after they are done running through your post.

  1. Switch To Business

While still working on your profile, don’t forget to switch to a business account. At a glance, the switch might not seem necessary, but having a business profile packs a list of perks. For instance, it makes it much easier for your followers to reach you as they only need to click the contact button on your profile.

It makes it possible for you to create and post Instagram ads without using Facebook advertising tools. On top of that, switching to a business instagram account unlocks a world of free tools such as Instagram analytics.

In a nutshell, while it is possible to market yourself on a personal account, a business one has unparalleled benefits for your entity.

  1. Maximize On Hashtags

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At first, hashtags can be pretty boring, but once you learn their essence, you’ll never miss an opportunity to use them. For instance, hashtags help organize and categorize your account’s content. Hence ensures it is delivered to the right audience. This, in turn, attracts new followers to your site, helping you build your following, increase engagement as well as conversion rate.

Nevertheless, while hashtags can help scale your business to new heights, they can quickly become a bother if used too frequently. Ensure you have a well-crafted strategy so you can accomplish the goal of using them in the first place.

  1. Repost With Permission

Another important digital marketing Instagram strategy you should maximize is the repost feature. Whenever one of your clients purchases your product and they happen to post it on their feed or stories, ensure you repost it. However, do so only if you have their permission. There are several reasons to do so.

First, this makes your client feel more appreciated. Thus they are more likely to stick around and even recommend your account to other users. Second, user-generated content has been proven to be more memorable and more trustable.  Therefore, other prospective clients are more likely to start following and even purchase from you when they see that other customers are happy and impressed with what you offer.

Also, when customers share images and videos of them enjoying your products and services, they are practically offering you free marketing. Hence, don’t feel shy to ask your clients to post their experience with your products and services. Also, don’t forget to repost. Other than customers, also repost posts by your employees as this adds a human touch to your business.

  1. Have Great Visuals

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Instagram was created as a photo and video-sharing app. Thus the aesthetic appearance of your posts is quite essential. To have great visuals, you first need to adopt a particular style and theme to establish visual consistency. This is incredibly important as customers tend to associate you with a specific pattern, hence making your posts instantly recognizable even on the explore tab.

The good bit is that thanks to the diverse array of filter options that Instagram offers, creating this consistency is not hard. You can also use third-party photo and video editing apps to achieve the effect you want on all your photos.

  1. Use Instagram Stories

With over 100 million Instagram users watching and sharing Insta stories, this gives you an even better avenue to promote your brand. Additionally, you can tell more through Insta stories than written posts. Also, these stories boast excellent features such as polls and direct links to your site.

You can use these features to learn more about your audience preferences and increase conversion rates. For instance, you can use the poll feature to find out what kind of posts your clients prefer.

However, keep in mind that Instagram is a social media platform and not a business promotion site. Therefore strike a balance by ensuring that while your stories help promote your business, they are at the same time fun for your followers.

  1. Partner With Relevant Influencers

Influencers are considered the kings of social media marketing for several reasons. First, they boast a large following, providing a great platform to market yourself to a bigger audience. Also, they tend to influence buying habits, as most buyers tend to go with whatever they say is good.

Hence if you want to reach prospective clients on this platform, the fastest way to do so is through them. However, don’t just partner with any influencer you come across. First, identify a few who are relevant to your niche. Next, consider how influential they are; you can determine this by the number of likes and responses they get from their posts. Lastly, consider the cost and payment plan as their services don’t come for free.

  1. Be Interactive

The goal is to build and keep your followers. All the strategies listed above will go a long way in attracting new prospects, but retaining them is the hard part. Being as interactive as possible is the secret ingredient to ensuring they not only remain your followers but become long-term clients as well.

Hence, follow them back, respond to their comments on your posts, comment on theirs, repost them, go live, and tag them whenever relevant. If they have an issue address it personally through direct messaging.  Follow up on them by making calls or texting them as a way to ensure customer satisfaction.

Also, on that note, don’t rely on digital marketing Instagram alone. Ensure you incorporate alternative marketing methods.

Scale Your Business To New Heights Through Instagram Marketing Today

Gone are the days when you had to pay for expensive mainstream media advertising to generate and convert leads for your business. Nowadays, you can reach the right audience for your business through Instagram marketing. However, this will only happen if you play your cards right.


The Best of 2019 Summer Trends Likely to Make it to 2020

Winter is finally caving in on us. But that doesn’t mean we forget how summer great has been in regards to the fashion world. In fact, 2019s summer trends were so awesome, they are likely to make it to 2020. The only way to ensure you are not left out is to stay ahead of trends. Know what will make it to the new year and what’s likely to be tossed out. That said, here are some of the hottest 2019 summer trends likely to make their way to 2020.

Biker Shorts

The world of athletics seems to be inspiring fashion designers with every wake. Last year’s summer was all about sweats and jogger pants with top celebrities like Kylie Jenner donning them in style, and this year’s summer was all about bike shorts.

Also known as Bermuda shorts, biker shorts were among the hottest trend this summer, and even cropped up in a majority of 2019 spring runways. Top fashion houses such as Miu Miu, Prada, Fendi, and Chanel showed us how to rock them by pairing them up with official blazers.  If you feel the biker shorts vibe, then stash yours at the back of your wardrobe until this cold season is over so you can rock them like the trendy person you are next summer.

Oval Sunshine Shades

When it comes to the top accessories in 2019, then the oval sunshine shades won the hearts of fashion icons this summer. They are a 90’s trend which came back with a bang last year and were received quite warmly this summer as well. Fashion houses like Prada and Louis Vuitton came up with a variety of designs and celebrities like Kendall Jenner, Kylie Jenner and a bunch of many others were at the front line of showcasing how to do them justice. They were also an everyday accessory in most of this year’s spring runways which is enough to tell you that they will still be a thing even next summer. The best way to keep up is to, therefore, get yourself several of them. The good bit is that they come in an array of designs, from cool western styles to thick asymmetrical ones, and will still look good even on winter.

Boiler Suits

Once considered attires for hard-working men and women, boiler suits were the go-to trend this summer, with celebrities like Lena Dunham, Bella Hadid, and Victoria Beckham showing us that they can actually look good. They were also among the most coveted fashion trends 2019 as models from top fashion houses such as Celine, Dior, Fendi, and Giambattista Valli strutted the runway in them. Surprisingly, they are not only functional but also highly fashionable and will definately make a comeback next summer.

Animal Prints

Animal prints have always had an air of sophistication around them, and they never seem to go out of style. If you have several animal prints outfit stashed at the back of your closet, then you better keep them in good condition as they are going to be a thing next summer. In 2019, animal prints, especially leopard, zebra and snakeskin prints were a common sight on famous runways such as Gucci, Roberto Cavalli, and Tom Ford.

Therefore, awaken your animal instinct today by getting yourself several outfits with such prints and if you already have some, then be ready to hit the streets as they are a big deal this summer.Also be one step ahead by beating the cold in an animal print fur coat this winter.

Statement Sneakers

No matter how girlish you are, there’s no denying that you love yourself a good pair of sneakers. On that note, you will be glad to know that statement sneakers will also be making a come back in 2020.

Brands like Balenciaga have already set the bar high with their ultra-comfy yet stylish Triple S sneakers while other top footwear brands continue to come up with unique styles to keep up.

Everyone is out there looking for a pair of statement sneakers. So don’t be left out, get yourself a pair today and be ready to join in the bandwagon of trendy people next summer.

Cargo Pants

If boiler suits are entirely out of the question for you, but you love pockets and are committed to practicality, then you should consider getting yourself a pair of cargo pants. The riveting bit about cargo pants is that you can pair them up with almost everything. For instance, for fun days out, pair them with a crop top, and you will be good to go. As for formal wear, go for plain cargo pants of any color, pair them up with a nicely fitting top, add a blazer and a pair of nice heels, and you’ll be looking all chic but formal yet for your clients and boss.

Fanny Packs

The oval sunglasses aren’t the only trending accessories which made a comeback from the ’90s as fanny bags also made the cut. Like the sunglasses, fanny packs are also likely to make a comeback in 2019. Already, celebrities like Rihanna are setting the bar high by rocking them creatively.

The populairity of fanny packs can be attributed to the fact that they pretty much go with anything, are available in a wide range of designs and are super convenient as you only carry the essentials.

What we, however, love most about fanny packs is that you don’t need to worry about the safety of your stuff as they are always strapped around your waist or across your chest. Also, they are a pretty much practical accessory in all types of weather. So you can still carry yours this winter.

Ruched Dresses And Skirts

If tight dresses and skirts aren’t your cup of tea, then you will glad to know ruched dresses and skirts are among hot fashion trends 2019. Furthermore, gone are the days when ruched dresses were baggy and boring as fashion brands like Givenchy and Calvin Klein now offer a plethora of well-positioned ruched pieces that boast figure-enhancing potential and at the same time provide you the much-desired comfort.

Get Your Groove On With The Best 2019 Fashion Trends in 2020

From African prints, bucket, and oversized hats, barely-there sandals, sequins, to neon green outfits, there is so much in store for you next summer.

22 Things I’ve Learnt at 22

Hi Loves, It’s been a minute since i was here but hey, here I am. Thanks so much for those who support and continue to ask where links to new blogs are at. Now here is one. Lol

So guess who is officially a 22 year old? (Do i really need to answer that, haha) Anyway, so i turned 22 four days ago, and to say I  feel old is an understatement. I mean this is the youngest i’ll ever be. Uuurgh! how can someone be so young and feel this old at the same time(sigh)..From this year onwards, i’ll become forever So that aside, i don’t celebrate birthdays, so to mark this special day I decided to write 22 things i’ve learnt at 22 . Doing it all in one bit will make it too long so i’ll do half and half later)

  1. Don’t Take an Ex Who Did You Dirty Back

Wondering how bad he was? Trust me you don’t wanna know. And i did make the mistake of taking him back coz you know love makes us stupid.(this was a long time ago) But oh boy joke was on me! I won’t go into details but take it from me kids, let an ex stay a FUCKIN EX especially if you guys broke up because he did you wrong.


2. Life is Everyday Not Where We are Going

We live in a destination-minded society. Our path is already engraved in stone. We’re expected to graduate highschool, go to Uni, get a job, pursue a career, get married, have kids and die! So majority of us are always in pursuit of this path and when we fail,  we beat ourselves up . But honey, life is every day. Therefore, it’ll take you to a different destination but if you lucky, you might end up following the society path. But for most of we’ll find ourselves in an entirely different path.

For instance, four years ago, I thought that at a time like this, I would have graduated and would be in some news house(NTV was my dream stop btw). I was the best in my primary and even high school’s Journalism club. Everyone believed in me but guess what, life happened and where I’m i now? Writing 22 things i’ve learnt at live it, cherish it, learn and appreciate where it takes you.

3. Ladies if He Says He is Not Into You He Ain!!!

If a guys says I ain’t into thick women or I like my women skinny, babe! just walk. Get out (in Rono’s voice) Go! RUUUUN! Coz your thickness won’t change him!

I tell it as it is!!


Women make the mistake of ignoring red lights and then start crying men are trash, dogs and all those other things they decide to call them. Hunnie they ain’t! You were ignorant. In my 22 years of life i’ve learnt that men are always honest when it comes to women they want and matters sex. We are the ones who choose to turn a blind eye to the truth. This is largely because as women we are wired not to take rejections. So when someone says it on our face I like my women a certain way, you think oh, if i stick around and act right he might just change his mind. Sugarplum, please stop lying to yourself. That nigga aint into you and you aint gonna change that by playing wifey or giving him pussy.

So next time a nigga tells you i love thick women but i’d like to sample you, trust me if you let him, hunnie he will sample you a good one and be out of there. Then utabaki ukisema he just wanted sex. Yes of course he wanted sex and he told you. So don’t come crying foul over here. He told you from the word go so if you’re gonna let him sample you, make sure its because you wanted a piece of him too. Also make it worth your while by ensuring he makes you orgasm! lol

4. Everyone is Fighting a Battle You Know Shit About

Mary from highschool might have a good career, the hottest man you’ve ever seen and a beautiful kid, but maybe every night, she cries herself to sleep because the husband comes home  in the morning hours reeking of alcohol and other women. Where i’m i going with this? Even the person you look-upto and think they’ve got it all handled is going through something. So don’t beat yourself up and also, treat every one with kindness because you don’t know what’s happening behind closed doors.

5. My Parents Were Right

I hate to admit but my folks were right. I was a bit mischevious in high school and I remember my paps was like all these things you’re trynna do now they ain’t going nowhere. Utafanya uchoke. I didn’t listen and now look at me now. I don’t even go out no-more yet no one is restricting me.

So honey-child, if your parents are still strict on you, they have a good reason. That friend they tell you to stay away from they are right about her/him. It may not seem like it now but they are always right. (I feel like crying knowing i’ll be saying the same thing to my kids and they won’t be listening..Damn you karma!)

6. Ladies Wanna Hit it Too


Hello gentlemen,this one for you. If you think you the only ones who hit and run you’re in for a surprise. Coz ladies do it too. We’ll see this guy and be like daaamn! I want a piece of that only for a night..just one night of some good, rough lovin and he’ll never see me again…

Gentlemen, this one for


It doesn’t necessarily have to be a stranger..sometimes it can be a boss(lols) or a colleague..Basically someone who aint in our circle so we can be all freaky …haha

Other than that, I can tell you for sure that we know who’s getting it from the word go. For instance, i’ll meet a guy and be like this one’s having it but i’ll meet another one and i’m like naah, nigga, even if you buy Rome for me I don’t want. Unfortunately, the one’s we ditch are always the good ones….hehe

7. FOMO is Real

The fear of missing out is real. I don’t know if i’m the only one, but sometimes i’m scared if i miss out on some things i’ll end up doing them when i shouldn’t. Or maybe its because there are some stages i’ve missed out on. For instance living a care-free life in campus. But what i can say, FOMO for me is as real as day.

8. People Don’t Care (In a good way though)

If you know me personally, you know i’ve dealt with a lot of demons(emotionally) but i’m glad i’m slowly getting to my happy place. So I used to hold back on doing things i like because i was like what will people think. I remember I used to explain myself alot. For instance, if someone came to my litu bedsitter i would explain myself saying oh, i haven’t been able to buy this and that. But i’ve realized people don’t actually care. You are actually the one who brings such stuff to their attention. So if you’ve ever held back from doing something because you’re afraid of what people may think, i’m here to tell you they don’t actually care. They are all so busy doing their own thing so why hold yours back? Honey boo boo, dance like nobody is watching coz actually nobody is watching.

9. Financial Literacy Doesn’t Come with Extra Zeroes

I wish I learnt this earlier and I would be hella far.I’ve wasted lots of cash saying i’ll start saving when i get more. But love, financial literacy doesn’t come with extra zeroes. If you can’t divide that a 100 bob wisely then you’ll blow away even a million waiting for more money so you can start financial planning. Unfortunately, with  poor financial practices chances are you won’t even get to that million. So learn how to save and spend your mulla wisely.

10. Don’t Settle

I saw this quote in a novel i was reading the other day “A peach has lovely taste, but so does a mushroom.” And i know it wasn’t put into that context but i translated in my own way. Where I’m i going with this? People make the mistake of settling. In this instance, someone was aiming for a peach but they came across a mushroom and decided to settle for it. But hun, it’s still not a peach.

So as much as it tastes good, it’s not what your were working towards. In other words,  the enemy of greatness is good enough. When we settle for good enough we miss the opportunity to achieve greatness. So do not settle for mushrooms when you can have a peach. This applies in all areas of your life from financially, romantically to academically.

11. Heartbreaks Can Last Years

A heartbreak according to most people should last three months and you’ll be good. But i’ve come to realize that’s not true. Shit can hurt you for all your freaking life. I have this one ex, we broke up early this year(y’all know how much i ranted on whats That was the worst break up i’ve ever had.  And the year is almost over and it still hurts as bad. Most of the days i’ll tell myself i’m over it but everytime my shughulis take me to those sides where he lives,  I remember him and feel like dying and I don’t think i’ll ever get over what he did to me(he is the first person i’d shoot if i had a gun). So hun, if you still hurting from that ex of over two years ago, just know its normal.

12. It’s Never too Early to care for you

Hit the gym, moisturize your skin and indulge in some self care because it’s never too early to show yourself some love